The WOMEN’S MINISTRY at Parkview Baptist strives to serve and encourage women of our church and community. Our goal is to help women develop a committed and deepening relationship with Christ. Women may become involved in:

  • Bible studies
  • Prayer breakfasts
  • Moms Need Moms
  • Fellowship dinners
  • Special events

Our ‘Moms Need Moms’ group is a part of the women’s ministry that allows Moms to meet the third Tuesday of every month for fellowship, Bible study, and community outreach.

The MEN’S MINISTRY at Parkview Baptist strives to:

  • Train men in leadership
  • Prepare men to humbly serve
  • Gain wisdom from Bible study and application

All as they honor God while serving the congregation.

The +55 MINISTRY at Parkview Baptist is an active group.

The group meets the second Tuesday of every month for a fellowship lunch. The ‘Senior Luncheon’ is held at 11:00am in the fellowship hall. This ministry includes interesting programs that are informative, uplifting and designed for our seniors.