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Crystal Coast Children’s Ministry Conference Schedule

Class options

1. Ministering to Children & Families in Crisis

Our world isn’t getting any more settled or easy to understand. All of us will face a variety of crisis in our lives including the children in our Sunday school classes, small groups, and other ministries. This session is designed to help children’s directors, teachers, pastors, and anyone who ministers to children and their families become better equipped to bring a Biblical perspective to coping when life is hard. Taught by Roxie Garner, Atlantic Baptist Association Discipleship Director and Director of Youth and Children’s Ministry, Atlantic Missionary Baptist Church.

2.  Teaching strategies for children of all types to use in the Sunday school classroom and beyond.

This session is designed to give actual strategies that can be used with many different types of students that our churches encounter to include the autistic, dyslexic, non-reader and more. Techniques for communicating God’s love and Biblical truth to the child will be demonstrated. This session is designed to help the teacher, assistant, or children’s director/minister adapt curriculum and develop a teaching plan within your regular structure for children with special needs. The class will be taught by Jordan Carswell, special education teacher for Carteret county and Barbara Swigart who has 40 years of experience teaching students in all of the special needs areas. THIS COUNTS AS TWO SESSIONS.

 3. Taking Children’s Ministry Down the Street & Around the World.

Another breakout back by popular demand of our attendees in past years. This session is designed for those interested in taking the message of the Gospel and ministry to children outside the church walls. Learn how to prepare for Backyard Bible Clubs, Community VBS, and short term missions within the US and abroad. Learn step by step how to carry the Good News to children around the corner and around the world. Led by Kim Jones, Director of Children’s Ministries at Cape Carteret Baptist Church. Kim has many years of experience leading children’s ministries here at home and on the international mission field. 

4. Building a New Outreach to the Unchurched Child & Family through Summer Day Camp.

Maybe your church only has a few children or perhaps it is filled with children & families who make church a regular part of life…the question is how do you reach the unchurched child and his/her family. Where do you start? With a vision for the lost in your community and in particular children who have no church access. That’s just what one church in our Association did this past summer and they saw God do some pretty amazing things. Come learn how to reach YOUR community and its children through summer day camp. Led by First Baptist Beaufort. Children’s Outreach Team.

5. Building Your Church’s Family Ministry

Maybe you have a thriving children’s ministry or you are just starting up…one thing we know for sure…children’s ministry isn’t just about the children. It’s about the family as a whole whether that is a traditional nuclear family with a mom, dad, and children or whether that is a grandparent or other caregiver caring for the children who come through our doors. How exactly do we care for the family as a whole? This session is designed to help you minister to not only the children, but their families. Taught by Mark Young, Family Life Minister, First Baptist Church Jacksonville, NC.

6. Structuring Children’s Ministry for Growth

GROWTH! It’s what we all want for our ministry. Are you starting out to build your children’s ministry or looking to take it to the next level? Are you thinking about ways to restructure your children’s ministry in order to be prepared for growth or about ways to be more effective in reaching the kids God has entrusted to you so far? In this session we will discuss two major factors to consider when thinking about restructure, consistency and volunteers! We will break these two factors down and give you some practical ways to think about structuring or restructuring your children’s environment in order to be prepared for all that God wants to do in the future. Led by Alex Padgett, Elementary Children’s Director, 1st Baptist Jacksonville, Jacksonville, N.C.

7. Teacher Round Table

This is our second available session led by Alex. This will be a brainstorming/sharing time to discuss those hard issues you sometimes face as a teacher in children’s ministry. Please select 3 issues you face in your classroom that you would like input into and submit those in your online registration and come prepared to share your insight and receive helpful input into your teaching ministry. Led by Alex Padgett, Elementary Children’s Director, 1st Baptist Jacksonville, Jacksonville, N.C.

8. Teaching Biblical Truth through Art

This session is designed to help you move past coloring pages and structured “art” in your classroom to helping your children internalize the Bible truths you are teaching through exercising their creativity. After all, one of the ways we were created in God’s image is with the ability to create and express ourselves through art! Led by Charmaine Daughtry, member of CCBC and local artist.

9. Teaching Biblical Concepts through Music

This session is designed to help you get the most out of incorporating music in your classroom to help you teach everything from Bible memorization to the story itself. Children love music and expressing themselves through music and it’s a fun way to share God’s love with them. Led by Mrs. Barbara Swigart, Music Director, Parkview Baptist Church. Barbara has a master’s degree from Kansas State and many years of experience teaching vocal/instrumental music and drama.

10. Building Your Small Church Children’s Ministry

This session is designed to help you dream, plan, and build your children’s ministry in a small church environment. Perhaps you serve a church plant or a church that is small in size, but wants to start a children’s ministry this is the session for you. Learn step by step how to plan and build your ministry. Led by Pastor Adam & Mrs. Kelly Self, Atlantic Missionary Baptist Church.